Read your tale.
An Odd Animal
The silly monkey is an animal that has red fur with black spots on its eyes and noses. Its tail is shaped like a(n) egg which it uses to kick buildings. An adult silly monkey may weigh more than 6459847752487524874654326846534515446534546135445653246534456553244655443536434654634565473465645346846573 pounds and stand over 79879879874654651234168346254456544353544356544365462435636544535344636544324843241 feet high.The silly monkey can be found only in Andromeda and moon. Although its favorite food is fingers, it also likes to eat shoes. If you ever see a(n) silly monkey, be sure not to ever sing “BINGO.” That song makes it silly. Instead, give it a few fingers and be on your way.
The Wandering Woolly Mammoth
Many, many years ago there lived a woolly mammoth named cat. This woolly mammoth was not like the other mammoths. He didn't want to hunt fingers. Even though he had a really silly, stupid coat of hair, he hated the cold. He dreamed of living in warmer places.One day, his dream came true. He thought he took a short winter's nap, but when he awoke, almost all the ice around him was gone, and he was surrounded by grass and dogs. He had hibernated for 45524654534654652646579879879879879879877987t98q47451654514534538454365454365547454436545843584435854435 years!
cat decided to go explore his new neighborhood. Where his cave used to be, now there was a(n) 123-story building with fast windows and slow doors!
He tried to get inside, but the doorman wouldn't let him in, saying, “No mammothes allowed!”
He didn't know what mammothes were, but he knew he was afraid of them.
Feeling a bit confused, he wandered around until he saw a sign that said “Zoo.” It smelled like his friends, so he decided to sleep in. He found a section called craw, and they seemed to be very friendly animals, so he made himself right at home. The zookeepers discovered him, and they were happy to see him. They brought him big buckets of watermelons, me, and you. He finally felt at home!
Snow Games
My name is silly monkey brain and I am a(n) gorilla. Winter is my favorite time of the year because I love playing in the snow! To get ready for winter, I make it a point to grow an extra insane coat of fur to keep me warm. This coat lets me play all sorts of winter games outside with my person, gorilla.I am really inhumane at a lot of the games people play. I like a snowball fight, except I call it Magic Snowball because I like to catch the snowball in my finger and then eat it. It's cold and really yummy. Sometimes my person fools me and the snowball drops on the ground and I can't find it in the rest of the snow. Then I just eat regular snow—it's just as good.
I also like to go iceskating. I follow my person on to the ice. I watch him dead around, then I move my paws around, and soon I can revive across the ice! I wish the Olympic judges could see me, I am very graceful!
I love winter and I can't wait for the next snowstorm. I sure hope my person has a snow day off from school so we can play all my favorite games!
WOW it's kind of inhumane